determined by the Executive, but preferably in conjunction with the National Specialty. Notice specifying the date, time, place and reasons for holding such meeting shall be published in the Club newsletter, namely The King’s Herald, hereinafter called “the Club Newsletter”'. Where no notice is given in the aforesaid manner, a written notice shall be sent to all Members at least two weeks before the date fixed for the same and will contain enough information to allow the Member to make a reasoned decision.

7.2.2 At every AGM, in addition to any other business that may be transacted, the report of the Directors, the financial statement and the report of the auditors shall be presented.

7.2.3 General Meetings shall be held quarterly or at the discretion of the Executive. Notice specifying the date, time, place and reasons for holding such meeting shall be published in the Club newsletter.

Where no notice is given in the aforesaid manner, a written notice shall be sent to all Members specifying the date, time, place and reasons for holding such meeting.

7.2.4 The Board shall have power to call, at any time, a General Meeting of the Members of the Club.

7.2.5 The Board shall call a Special General Meeting of Members on written requisition of not less than 5% of the voting membership.

Notice specifying the date, time, place and reasons for holding such meeting shall be published in the Club newsletter.

Where no such notice is given in the aforesaid manner, a written notice shall be sent to all Members at least two weeks before the date fixed for the same and will contain enough information to allow the Member to make a reasoned decision.

A two-thirds majority vote of Members present will prevail at Special General Meetings.

7.2.6 Seven Members at an Annual Meeting or regular General Meeting shall be a Quorum.

7.2.7 Only paid-up Members may vote at any meeting.

7.2.8 Executive Meetings shall be held at the discretion of the Executive at such place and date as may be determined by the Executive and written notice specifying the date, time, place and reasons for holding such meeting shall be mailed by the Secretary to each member of the Executive at least two weeks before the date fixed for the same.

Notice can only be waived by members of the Executive or Regional Directors who attend the meeting and verbally do so. Minutes of the Executive Meeting shall be recorded regularly in the Club's newsletter, The King’s Herald.

7.3 Nominations

A nomination form will be sent out to the entire membership by the Election Officer. All nominations for office must be received by the Election Officer, in writing, prior to the deadline established. The Election Officer will notice all persons nominated and determine their willingness to stand.

7.4 Elections

Ballots listing the nominees proposed for election to each position along with an unmarked envelope and a coded envelope will be sent by the Election Officer to all Members in good standing by a specified time.

The Ballots may be mailed in to the Election Officer or cast at the AGM.

7.5 Voting

7.5.1 Mail-in-Ballots must be received by the Election Officer no later than four days before the Annual General Meeting. Mail-in-ballots must be enclosed in an unmarked envelope within the coded envelope. Improperly mailed ballots will be treated as miss-marked ballots and will not be counted.

The mailed-in-ballots will be held unopened by the Election Officer as appointed by the Executive until the AGM when they will be opened, the senders code recorded by the Polling Clerk as appointed by the Executive, and the unmarked envelopes with the ballots enclosed placed in the ballot box.

7.5.2 Members attending the AGM may bring their ballot to the AGM and deposit same in the ballot box after being listed by a Polling Clerk.

7.5.3 Voting by proxy shall not be permitted.

7.5.4 Scrutinizers, at least two in number approved by the Members present at the AGM shall open the ballot box in private to count and report on the results of the balloting.

7.5.5 At all meetings, a majority vote shall prevail unless the Act or these bylaws otherwise provide. Each Member in good standing shall have one vote.

7.6 Order of Business

All meetings of the Members shall be conducted in an orderly manner in the following order of procedure:

  1. Call the Members to order
  2. Approval of the minutes for the previous General Meeting.
  3. Reports of the Treasurer and Committees
  4. Unfinished Business
  5. New Business
  6. General Discussion
  7. Adjournment

Note: At the Annual Meeting, the election of Officers shall take place after Unfinished Business.


8.1 The Board may approve Regional Branches, hereinafter call “Branches” of the ATCC from time to time. These Branches should be consistent with the geographic area of operation of the CKC Regions or combinations of Regions.

8.2 Branches shall fall under the mandate of the ATCC and are not officially recognized by the CKC. The Branch shall function in accordance with the Constitution and By-laws of the ATCC.

8.3 Individuals wishing to form a Branch of the ATCC must make a written request to the Secretary for Board consideration.

8.4 The Branches will further the aims of the ATCC and will be governed by an executive which is elected by Branch Members. The ATCC Executive shall appoint the Regional Director, who shall be approved at the AGM. The Regional Director shall become a Member of the ATCC Executive and the representative to the ATCC of all Branches in his/her Region.

8.5 The Branch may have their own bank account but must give a written financial report to the ATCC Treasurer upon request or at least once a year. Branches may hold shows such as “Boosters” and “Floating Specialties” after application to the ATCC Executive and with a majority vote at a ATCC General Meeting.

8.6 Branches may hold shows such as “Boosters” and “Floating Specialties” after application to the ATCC Executive and with the a majority vote at a ATCC General Meeting. The event will be deemed to be held by the ATCC and sponsored by the Branch club as the Branch is not accredited by the CKC and therefore may not hold CKC recognized events.

8.7 Branches will hold regular meetings, open to all Members of the Club, but only Branch Members may vote on Branch business.

8.8 All Members of the Branch must be Members of the ATCC.


9.1 The financial year of the Club shall commence on the l" day of January and shall conclude on the 31st day of December.

9.2 The club shall not be conducted nor operated for profit and no part of any monies or remainder or residue from dues or donations to the club shall be to the benefit of any Member or individual.

9.3 All monies due or belonging to the Club shall be governed as per Article 6.6 Duties of the Treasurer.

9.4 The Auditor for the next year shall be appointed at the AGM.


10.1 The membership shall be charged the prescribed fees.

10.2 A Member whose dues are not paid for the current year shall forfeit his/her voting rights.

10.3 The membership will be officially advised in the final issue of the year of the Newsletter of the necessity of renewing their membership for the following year. This shall be the only mandatory Members' notice for their dues, which shall be payable on or before the first day of January of each year.


The Constitution and By-Laws must be reviewed at least every five years after the first year, by a committee appointed by the Executive at the end of the fourth year. The report of this committee must be passed by a majority vote of Members present or by proxy vote on the appropriate ATCC form at the AGM.

Any proposed change to the Constitution and By-Laws must be submitted in writing, by a mover and seconded, to the Secretary at least 30 days prior to the AGM and must be circulated by the Secretary to the membership at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

No repeal or amendment shall be enforced or acted upon until it has received the approval of the Minister of Industry, Science and Technology.


The Club may be dissolved at any time by the consent, in writing, of not less than two thirds of the Members; proxies are not permitted. After payment of all debts and liabilities of the Club, the property and assets of the Club shall be given to the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, for Canine Research.


13.1 ATCC “Boosters” may be held in any province following application for such being approved by a majority vote at a General Meeting. The ATCC would, as it has in the past, provide trophies to the co-coordinator of the Booster and would expect to receive any and all rebate funds, a premium list, a schedule, and show results for the Club’s statistics and newsletter.

13.2 Regional “Floating Specialties” may be held following application for such being approved by a majority vote at a General Meeting and CKC approval. Application for CKC approval and all other references to the event will be headed “ATCC Floating Specialty”. The administration and expenses will be the responsibility of the Regional Director holding the event. The ATCC would expect to receive any and all rebate funds, a premium list, a schedule, and show results for the Club's statistics and newsletter.

13.3 In the Ontario Region the ATCC Secretary, acting as provincial Show Secretary, will be directed to arrange two Boosters each year. The “Annual Specialty” show is held each year in conjunction with the ATCC AGM and is organized by the Specialty Show Chairperson. These two officials will supply the ATCC with any and all rebate funds, a premium list, a schedule, and show results for the Club’s statistics and the newsletter.

13.4 The trophies on the current list of perpetual trophies will NOT leave the possession of the Trophy Chairperson without written direction from the Executive.

See also the Policies and Procedures section of this Web site.

Download the complete ATCC Constitution and Bylaws
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